Your stories matter

Hannah’s Story

I am hoping you can help, I am absolutely desperate. I lost my job two months ago and am still waiting for a benefit payment as my last wage payment went completely on debts and arrears.

I really don't know what to do. I have survived the past 4 days on one loaf of bread. I am desperate and you are my last hope....

…..and after being signposted to an agency who made a referral to us

…I just can't thank you enough. I know how valuable each item is…
Thank you so much again xxx

matt’s Story

As a Christian I feel as though it is partly my duty to help the community in any way I can. Around a year and a half ago I fell into some difficult times and was living in a hostel shortly after being discharged from hospital. Although I had immediate family they were not in the position to help me at the time and that's when the hostel staff made a referral to your charity. As with every parcel that is given out I received the letter from the Lord which gave me the hope I was desperately trying to find.

Katy’s Story

‘Recently my husband went from full time to 15 hours, and was then taken ill. Being  an agency worker, he doesn’t get paid if absent. Then the tax credit office told us we had been overpaid…..we have no family able to support us. Please can you help?….

a few days later…

We are absolutely blown away and speechless….when you said it was just to tide us over for a few days…wow!!! It’s so much and when the children helped put it in the cupboard we all just sat there in shock! It’s never been that full. We cried and thanked God…my eldest has taken one of your stickers and put it in her keepsake box…every heartfelt thanks from our contented and full bellies!’

Daniel’s Story

‘I’m staying at my brother’s as I have no gas or electric at home. He can’t keep me he has helped me as much as he can but he is struggling as well as he doesn’t get paid till Friday…..

a few days later…

Thank you so much for you kind food donation I really don’t know what I would have done with without your help. God Bless….

and a few months later…

‘Where can I drop some food off as you helped me so much when I was stuck and I can now return the favour?’

sofia’s Story

We’re in desperate need of a food parcel, we haven’t eaten for 4 days. I’m pregnant and currently homeless with my partner’.

and after we referred this couple to a support agency
so their need for a parcel could be assessed?…

‘We were referred to you by Base 25. We now have a flat, we were so lucky! Thank you for getting back to us.’