Celebrating a Milestone

During August 2022 we passed the 100,000 mark of individuals who have received support from The Well since it started 16 years ago.

As you know, we never celebrate the need. It deeply saddens us to know that reaching this number reflects the rising tide of need for basic support across the communities represented in the WV postcodes.

We would much prefer everyone to have sufficient income, as well as the practical, emotional, and spiritual support they need to not have to turn to a foodbank such as The Well.

At the same time, we do want to celebrate the astonishing miracles and the generous compassion this number represents.

  • We praise Jesus for His faithfulness and care for those in financial need; for every miracle we have seen Him do in providing all we need; for answering countless prayers week after week

  • We thank Pastor Barry Law who heard God and started this ministry in 2006,as well as the community of King’s Church who were so faithful in filling and refilling the pink collection box in those early years

  • We are so grateful for everyone who has had prayed for The Well and those we support – in eternity you will see just how precious your prayers have been and how many He has answered

  • We are deeply thankful for everyone who has responded to the need with practical compassion - whether food, toiletries, and finance over the years

  • What can we say about our amazing team past and present. Each one has a special place in our hearts

  • It has been a privilege to work with so many fantastic, committed professionals and voluntary groups who have referred those in need to us – true partnership working

…..we could go on and on.

As we write this, many in our nation are now, and in the months ahead will be, experiencing financial challenges at a level unheard of in generations. The choice between eating and heating is real and serious.

The Well will be here to respond to this rising tide until God tells us to stop - through His grace and faithfulness, expressed in the compassionate generosity of so many.

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